BrickStainable Awards program - Doo Consulting Blog

Doo Consulting offsets carbon from 2nd Annual BrickStainable Awards program

On March 31, 2011, Potomac Valley Brick (PVB) hosted its Second Annual BrickStainable Awards program. As in the first year’s event in March 2010, winners were flown to Washington, DC, from their home cities and countries to participate in the awards celebration. The day-long event for the winners included a round table discussion of the selected designs with the winners, representatives of the competition jury and this year’s keynote speaker, Alan Short.
For the purpose of estimating the carbon impact, PVB calculated the carbon consequences of all flights for winners and guests, hotel stays based upon the block reservation, preparation of the awards dinner and use of the National Building Museum for the evening. Transportation of local guests to and from the awards venue has been estimated at twenty-five miles per attendee. This estimate is averaged from those who will walk or take transit from locations within the City and those who may be driving from distances farther away. Based upon an estimated attendance of 200, the carbon consequence of the Second Annual BrickStainable Awards program is calculated to be 24 tons of carbon.

As a supporter of BrickStainable, Doo Consulting LLC purchased the carbon offsets for the awards program. These were purchased from the Enterprise Green Communities Carbon Offset Fund.

Enterprise’s Green Communities Offset Fund offers the opportunity to offset carbon emissions caused by conferences or meetings by helping low-income families live in green affordable homes. As a building industry competition, BrickStainable sought to find an industry related offset fund. Supporting the creation of green communities and the construction of green affordable housing is consistent with the mission of BrickStainable and its sponsors.
Individuals can offset carbon emissions caused by your corporation or organization, or you and your family’s daily activities through this fund as well. To learn more, visit the Enterprise Carbon Calculator site at

Why We Build LEED Buildings - Doo Consulting Blog

Why We Build LEED Buildings

In the eight years since I became LEED accredited in 2002, green building has gone from the interest of a few to business-as-usual for most. Indeed, if it’s not all that people in the building and development communities are talking about, it is certainly a large part of the conversation. Every architect, every builder, every manufacturer and supplier and nearly every owner wants to know how to be green, if not certified. It has become big business.
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Brickstainable Jurors Speak at Greenbuild 2010 - Doo Consulting Blog

Brickstainable Jurors Speak at Greenbuild 2010

I never cease to enjoy Greenbuild. Even as it has expanded, the enthusiasm and breadth of expertise and investigation is enthralling. Those who have been in this field for a while may find many of the educational sessions to be too basic but, if one selects carefully, there is plenty of cutting edge work being presented. Two of the jurors from BrickStainable presented at the conference, as did I.

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Healthy Environment for Everyone - Doo Consulting Blog

Aspiring to a Healthy Environment for Everyone

Two local health care organizations dedicated to serving a vast constituency in the Baltimore area, including indigent and low income communities, have achieved high levels of LEED certification in 2010.  Doo Consulting LLC acted as the LEED consultant to Baltimore Medical System and Maryland Health Care for the Homeless as each owner pursued their project goals.

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